C.V. - English

Karina Lemes Borges
Brazilian, 39 years old, married, one daughter
11 98616-5826 – klborges4u@gmail.com                                                                          
Rua Itapaiúna, 1800 – apto 102 Cypris
Jardim Morumbi, São Paulo – SP

Academic Background
M.F.A (Master of Fine Arts) – Creative Writing
University of Idaho, 2011-2013 – Moscow, ID, US

B.A., Publicity & Advertising
Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, 1998-2001 – São Paulo, Brazil

Portuguese – Native
English – Fluent
Spanish – Intermediate

Writer of fiction and non-fiction with a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing.

12 years of experience as an advertising copywriter, managing the communication campaigns of national and international clients such as Unilever, Kimberly-Clark, Pepsi, Terra, Google, Comgás, Telefonica, Credicard, Itaú, Estadão, Redecard, Microsoft, etc.

7 years of experience as a writer, editor and translator of content. Customization of speech to the Brazilian audience. Alignment to the customer’s global strategy. The best use of clear, engaging and target-oriented language.

2 years of experience as an assistant editor, selecting manuscripts for an American literary journal. Assisted the editor to edit and develop the stories of several authors.

Project management, coordinating multiple simultaneous jobs, defining priorities and monitoring the team’s creation process to meet deadlines.

Excellent oral and written communication skills. Extraordinary attention to details.

Professional Experience

KLBorges Consulting                                                                                    Jun/2013 to currently
Title: Writing Consultant

Main responsibilities:
. Writing, editing and translation of content: books, websites, blogs, social media, presentations, folders, newsletters, direct mail, articles, reports, case studies etc.
. Writing of fiction and non-fiction.
. Short story/essay development and editing.
Wings4U s.r.o.                                                                                                Apr/2015 to Dec/2017
Title: Content Creation Manager

-- Wings4U is a marketing and communication agency that works across continents. It turns successful client stories into further customer opportunities through smart content and strategic programs.

Main responsibilities:
. Developing and writing case studies for Twitter and Microsoft.
. Translating case studies – Portuguese/English.
. Interviewing customers to gather information about advertising campaigns.
. Managing the approval process of case studies.
. Reviewing/editing: quality control before publication.

Fugue Literary Journal (USA)                                                                    Aug/2011 to May/2013
Title: Fiction Reader/Editorial Assistant

-- Fugue is the University of Idaho’s literary journal, and is edited by the students of the MFA in Creative Writing. Some of the established authors already published by it include: Steve Almond, Charles Baxter, Jim Shepard, Robert Wrigley and Melanie Rae Thon. www.fuguejournal.org

Main responsibilities:
. Selecting and evaluating the manuscripts submitted by authors, considering narrative skills, style, voice, originality and relevance to the reader.
. Assisting the editor to edit and develop the manuscripts for publication.
. Supporting the staff to promote the journal.

b!ferraz full promotion                                                                               Feb/2008 to Dec/2010
Title: Senior Copywriter

-- b!ferraz is an agency of the ABC group: the largest communication group in Brazil, and one of the 20 largest communication groups in the world.

Main responsibilities:
. Promotional campaigns, event concept, product launching and brand activation to clients such as Terra, Ambev, Kimberly-Clark, Unilever, Comgás, Google, etc.
. In charge of creating, editing and proofreading publicity content for different brands in several segments. Alignment and customization of international campaigns.
. Duo with multiple art directors in simultaneous jobs, ensuring the project delivery on time.
. Synergy between the creative, production and account management departments.

Fábrica Comunicação Dirigida                                                                  Oct/2003 to Dec/2004 and
Title: Senior Copywriter                                                                             Dec/2006 to Dec/2007

-- Fábrica is a Brazilian leader agency in direct marketing and CRM.

Main responsibilities:
. Creating direct marketing and relationship marketing pieces.
. Creating, editing and proofreading publicity copy for clients such as Estadão, Telefônica, Itaú, Redecard and Credicard.
. Relationship with suppliers that support the creation team: illustrator artists, video producers, corporate gift companies.
Rapp Brasil                                                                                                       Mar/2002 to Aug/2002
Title: Senior Copywriter

-- Rapp Brasil is the main Latin American office for Rapp Worldwide, the largest relationship marketing group in the world.

Main responsibilities:
. Customer base expansion project – Credicard.
. In charge of creating, editing and proofreading direct mail pieces.

Sun/MRM                                                                                                         Apr/2000 to Oct/2001
Title: Copywriter

-- Sun is one of the best Brazilian direct marketing agencies, and is part of MRM: a top five group in digital and direct marketing in the world.

Main responsibilities:
. Creating, editing and proofreading publicity copy to clients such as Nextel, Credicard, Som Livre and Microsoft.

A+ FCVA                                                                                                            Jun/1998 to Apr/2000
Title: Trainee Copywriter

-- A+ is a small agency in São Paulo specialized in direct marketing services.

Main responsibilities:
. Creating, editing and proofreading publicity content to clients such as Directv, BrasilPrev and Editora Abril.

Additional Information

Received more than 20 advertising/publicity awards, including the AMPRO Globes Awards, DMA Echo Awards, Colunistas Promo Brazil and São Paulo, Ibero American Festival of Promotion and Events, ABEMD, and the International One-Minute Film Festival.

Scholarships/Awards received at the University of Idaho:
-- International Tuition Scholarship (Fall 2012 and Spring 2013), for academic excellence and volunteerism.
-- GPSA (Graduate and Professional Student Association) Travel Award to represent the English Department at FLIP 2012 (Paraty International Literary Festival).

Lived and worked in the Middle East for 3 years (2003, 2005, 2006) – personal project in dance, art and culture fields.